
AI Can Create Interesting Fake News

If you’re like me – you do your fair share of social media surfing. I don’t know how many times a day I come across some outrageous quote (usually tied to an inflammatory or funny picture) that basically screams “click bait.” Those are easy to spot, and I can easily make a choice on whether I want to play along or not.

Then – there are the other types of posts – where things *sound* like they should be (or could be) correct – but the source is some site I’ve never heard of. They usually have passionate comments both pro/con on the matter – and inevitably – I’ll have an opinion one way or the other.

Usually, I keep to my motto – “Opinions are like a**holes – everyone has one” – and just keep scrolling.

Usually, a simple search will tell you whether the story (or topic, or quote, or action) is a real thing just by the number of other posts that turn up. I always scan the site URLs in the search results looking for “reuters” or “apnews” or other news sites that I have found to be fairly correct in the past.

If I do happen to find a few different sites that confirm that the story (or topic, or quote, or action) has actually happened, then I can always choose to re-engage and regale the world with the depths of my superior intellect and scintillating wit…

So, I sort of fell down the Internet rabbit hole while researching how these things get started – and how they spread.

The bottom line is: people just make crap up and post it.

So, I wanted to see if I could just make up my own realistic-sounding BS on a number of different topics and see what would happen. I quickly realized that I had a few problems:

  1. I’m lazy
  2. I have a limited imagination
  3. I really despise bullsh*t

So, in my geek-quest to at least get a couple of good quotes – I came across a website that uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to auto-generate a bunch of crap that sounds like it *could* be real.

Here’s some examples (the text I wrote is in bold everything else was 100% computer generated). First – I went for the low-hanging fruit – something political:

Not too bad! It even came up with fake quotes from fake lawmakers. Next, I changed subjects to technology:

It’s a little “around-the-block” but perfectly plausible. Next, I went for a little fiction and drama:

The great American novel it ain’t – but it’s an interesting snippet. I wondered if I kept the same quote if the AI would come up with something similar or totally different.

The answer? Totally different:

Finally, I tried something a little more “open ended” – and was not disappointed:

The generator even referenced a fake Twitter handle and fake URLs to fake tweets to “prove” that I said something I never did. So, of course, I had to “poke the bear” and try my luck again. This time I was just “part of the (political) story”:

If you know me, you know that I couldn’t just leave well enough alone… so I tried the same phrase one more time… and… well… the wheels came off the bus:

Moral of the story – you can’t always believe what you read.

You can try the “Talk to Transformer” for yourself here: https://talktotransformer.com/

Picture of Bob The Tech Guy

Bob The Tech Guy

Bob Cusick (AKA "Bob The Tech Guy") has been involved with computers, technology and programming for over 25 years. He has founded 3 software companies, and is an international trainer and speaker. Past clients include Ford, Volvo, Apple, E! Entertainment Television, Genentech, Disney, Amgen and many more.

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